Saturday, July 5, 2014

Beautiful Pictures

James works at this wonderful company with amazing people. One of those amazing people, Monica, is so sweet to our kiddos. Whenever we go to visit James at work, Monica always treats Henry so nicely and Henry just adores her! Monica offered to take some pictures for us and we excitedly took her up on her offer :) We drove up to Oro Valley to this beautiful place and Monica got some amazing shots for us. Thank you sooooooo much Monica! These pictures are really great!! :) 

My baby boy and his Chandler smile :) 

 I love this one, he looks like he posing for his senior pictures! :) 

 So cute! My super uncoordinated boy! 

 Trying to get baby girl to warm up :) 

 Just LOVE <3 nbsp="" p="">

 Everyone's looking and almost smiling! Miracle! :) 

 My little fluffy head baby! 

 She is such a daddy's girl. 

 Love that little smile :) 

 Just more LOVE! 

 These are so cute! Henry reading to Spencer. 

 Spencer really just wanted to eat the book :) 

 You can kind of see Henry's natural smile :) 

 Monica's husband Keith came to help with the kids so James and I could get some pics in too! 

 Baby princess 

 She's like a little cupcake! 

 Henry was OBSESSED with the lake. He totally thought we were going to go swimming or fishing in the lake! he had to settle for just touching the water. 

 My glamor shot ;) 

 James's glamor shots ;) 


 I was telling Henry not to jump in the puddle. 

 These last shots are Henry being Henry, a big goof ball :) 

 Natural smiles, yay!!! 

 Jumping and falling a bunch. 

 Action shot! 

 Such a sweet smile :)